Custom Sheet Metal Fabrication and Parts Manufacturer

JINGBANG is a trusted custom sheet metal fabrication manufacturer with years of experience in creating high-quality sheet metal solutions for various industries. Our sheet metal parts come in a range of sizes and designs to meet the unique needs and budget of our clients. From small to large custom-designed parts, we offer a wide range of options to choose from.

Our team of experienced designers and engineers specialize in manufacturing a wide range of sheet metal components, including precision parts, complex geometries, prototypes, and production runs. Additionally, we offer sheet metal parts made from special materials like aluminum, titanium, stainless steel, and plastics, in both standard and custom designs. In summary, we are a dedicated sheet metal company committed to providing high-quality sheet metal parts to meet all your needs.

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Sheet Metal Fabrication and Parts

Piese de tablă personalizate

We build parts to your design,custom sheet metal parts, such as brackets, plates, frames, arms, bus bars, fixtures and more

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Carcase din tablă

Choose from a wide variety of finishes, graphics, and permanent markings to suit your project’s functionality and desired aesthetics.

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producator de tabla de precizie

precision sheet metal is commonly applied are construction, automotive, aerospace, home appliances, and many other industrial applications.

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Get Your Custom Sheet Metal Parts

One of China’s best sheet metal parts service manufacturers, complete prototype manufacturing and delivery within 24 hours. For mass production and delivery, we are equipped with more than 120 lathes of various types to meet the needs of precision turning parts.

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Our uniqueness lies in the fact that we can offer more than just Sheet Metal

șurub și șurub_(2)[1]

custom sheet metal with fasteners

Sheet metal and fasteners are closely related in the manufacturing and assembly process. Fasteners, such as screws, bolts, and rivets, are essential for joining sheet metal components together securely. They ensure structural integrity, provide flexibility in design, and allow for easy disassembly and maintenance.

Tablă la comandă

piese de tablă la comandă

A sheet metal fabrication factory specializes in the transformation of flat metal sheets into a variety of shapes and components used in different industries. These factories employ a range of techniques and equipment to cut, bend, and assemble metal sheets into final products.

turnare prin injecție

Injection moulding and custom sheet metal

These two processes often work together in assembling products, with plastic parts providing lightweight and intricate features, and sheet metal parts offering structural support and durability. This combination is commonly seen in industries like automotive, electronics, and consumer goods, where both plastic and metal components are required to create a complete and functional product.


CNC machining With custom sheet metal

These processes often work together in product development, where CNC machining is used for producing detailed and precise parts, while sheet metal fabrication provides structural components. This synergy is widely utilized in industries such as automotive, aerospace, and electronics, ensuring both functionality and durability in the final products.

Manufacturing Process of Sheet Metal Parts

  • Order Processing: Receiving and processing orders, including custom specifications and quantities.
  • Cutting and Shaping: Using cutting and bending machines to shape metal sheets according to design specifications.
  • Assembly: Assembling various metal parts into final products using welding, riveting, or other joining methods.
  • Quality Control:Conducting dimensional and visual inspections to ensure parts meet specifications. Performing functionality and strength tests to verify product quality and performance. Ensuring all parts pass quality checks before moving to the next stage.

Ready to Get the Perfect Custom Sheet Metal Parts?

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Custom Sheet Metal Parts FAQs

Axat pe elemente de fixare și prelucrare CNC și fabricarea tablei, oferă o soluție unică pentru strunjirea CNC, frezarea CNC, îndoirea ștanțare și fabricarea tablei din 2011.

  • We do not provide design services. You are responsible for submitting 2D and 3D CAD drawings, and we can then provide a Design for Manufacturing review upon receiving your order. send your drawing and start today.
  • Dacă nu aveți desene, ne puteți trimite direct mostre și vă vom ajuta să finalizați desenele.

There is not a given set of tolerances that fits all processes and materials. In every case, the final tolerances on your part will depend on a number of factors, including but not limited to:

  • Part size
  • Design geometry
  • The number, type, and size of features
  • Material(s)
  • Surface finish
  • Manufacturing process

Once your order is confirmed, we will review your design and provide a design for manufacturing review, pointing out any areas where we may not be able to achieve your desired tolerances. It’s helpful if you can specify which areas in your design have critical tolerances that must be met and which can be slightly modified if needed to reduce the time and costs involved. General Tolerances to DIN ISO 2768 for CNC machining in metal and plastic also as sheet metal parts

All manufacturing and technical specifications need to be clearly specified in the 2D drawings in order to be followed.

  • Once your order is confirmed, we will perform a full Design for Manufacturing (DFM) review to point out any issues that our engineers feel may affect the quality of your parts
  • Fiecare lot de mărfuri trebuie să aibă asigurarea primului articol (FAA) și apoi inspecții IPQC de mai multe ori, rapoarte de inspecție finală înainte de expediere.

Oferim o mare varietate de materiale și servicii de finisare pentru a obține aproape orice aspect și senzație pe piesele dumneavoastră.

1.Materiale principale
Al6061, Al6063, Al6082, Al7075, Al2024, Al5052, A380 etc.
Oţel inoxidabil
SS201, SS301, SS303, SS304, SS316, SS416 etc.
Oțel moale, oțel carbon, 4140, 4340, Q235, Q345B, 20#, 45# etc..
C35600, C36000, C37700, C37000, C37100, C28000, C26000, C24000, C22000 etc.
C11000, C12000, C12200, C10100 etc.
20#, 45#, Q235, Q345, Q3458, 1214, 12L14, 1215 etc.
POM, Peek, PMMA, ABS, Delrin, Nylon, PVC, PP, PC etc
2. Tratarea suprafeței
 Oţel inoxidabil
Periat și lustruit, pasivare, sablare, gravare cu laser, placare cu aur etc.
Placare cu zinc, negru oxid, placare cu nichel, placare cu crom, carburat, vopsit cu pulbere
Piese din aluminiu
Anodizat transparent, anodizat culoare, anodizat cu nisip, film chimic, periere, lustruire, acoperit cu pulbere, placat cu nichel etc.
Placare cu aur (ABS), vopsire, periere (acril), gravare cu laser

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